What It's Like to Be a Technical Specialist

By: Cascade Environmental

According to a Pew Research Center survey, 74% of Americans believe we “should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.” The problem is that most of us don’t know how to make a difference. People like Frank Egan, however, don’t have that problem—he’s a Technical Specialist at Cascade, working on remediation projects that clean contaminants from the ground. Although it isn’t the path he dreamed of as a kid, it is one that has provided Frank with a career he is proud of.  In this blog post, Frank shares his background, how he ended up in environmental services, and what it’s like to work as a Technical Specialist.


What career did you envision for yourself as a child? Why did it appeal to you?

As a child, I wanted to be a professional baseball player. I was very good and had played since I was 2. Like a lot of kids, though, I came to realize it wasn’t going to happen. 


What got you interested in a career in drilling/environmental services?

I was about 19 or 20 when a family friend asked if I wanted to work for him. I agreed, and have been working mostly in the environmental services industry ever since.


How did you get the education and/or training you needed?

All my training and education came from hands-on experience in the field.


How did you hear about Cascade, and why did you decide you wanted to work here?

I had begun working in waste management as a garbage man, but wanted to get back into the environmental services industry. I went online and found Cascade. I applied, and it worked out—I’ve now been here more than two years!


Since joining the company, have you had opportunities for mentorship, to further your training, or to earn certification? If so, please explain what they were and if you’ve found them helpful.

A lot of mentorship comes from the older drillers. They’ve taught me how to determine the type of material I’m drilling in, or when I’m hitting rock. They’ve also shown me that no matter how good you are at your job, there is always something to be learned.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

A typical day usually starts at 7 or 8 AM, and we start with a safety meeting to discuss the scope of work. Then, we go over the rig inspection checklist, make sure all the equipment is fueled up and ready to go, and confirm our PPE is correct. We check our surroundings, and if everything is clear we begin our day.

Around noon, we stop for a half-hour lunch, and then continue working until the end of the day.

Every day is different, though, with different times and sites involved.

What do friends or family say when you tell them about your career?

It’s hard trying to explain to friends and family what I do because a lot of people don’t understand. I tell them we play with dirt and try to clean it up.

What advice would you give people who might be considering a career in drilling/environmental services?

My advice would be to always be alert and watch your surroundings. This job can be dangerous.


Interested in learning more about becoming a Technical Specialist? Check out our current openings for more information.