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Carving the Path Forward

Imagine the feeling when you have one reliable partner guiding your remediation project from start to finish. Rather than balancing multiple vendors, envision a streamlined process with a single point of contact.

Delve into this edition of 'Pathways' to discover the potential of an adaptive management approach. We explore how continual site characterization, proven injection best practices, and our advanced geotechnical drilling techniques could revolutionize your project outcomes.

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Cascade Chemistries

​​​​​​Cascade is proud to provide updates on various ongoing Cascade Chemistry projects. Here are some notable highlights:

  • In Minturn, Colorado, we are implementing ColloidalChem+Bio to address a challenging cobble subsurface to reach the leading edge of the benzene plume with barrier locations selected by the client.
  • In Longmont, Colorado, our team is utilizing ColloidalChem and iZVI to tackle a TCE source area optimized with MIHPT.
  • Similarly, in South Amboy, New Jersey, we are utilizing ColloidalChem and iZVI to address a solvent PRB. This project, too, has been optimized with MIHPT.
  • At a dry-cleaning facility in Littleton, Colorado, we are successfully employing SourceKill to eliminate DNAPL.
  • In Boulder, Colorado, iZVI is being utilized for a PCE Dry Cleaner Source area.
  • Finally, in Oakland, CA, we are implementing iZVI in an Industrial Site TCE PRB.

All of these projects have been expertly supported by Cascade designs and implementation. Rest assured, our focus is on delivering sustainable outcomes, even amidst the challenges posed by matrix back diffusion. As we collect the groundwater data, we look forward to sharing the results with you in the next Pathways issue.

Ask the Expert

With regard to injection, which is better? Top-down or bottom-up? What are the pros and cons of each?  


Starting with the top-down approach, the key advantage lies in maintaining the integrity of the seal with each descending interval. As we move downwards, we're confident of achieving a solid seal at each step, thus enhancing the injection's effectiveness.

However, this method isn't without its challenges. As we go deeper, the possibility of the tool getting clogged becomes a concern. Yet, this issue can be effectively managed using an inner hose approach. By maintaining constant head pressure on the injection tool, we can prevent silt from entering and clogging the injection strata, thereby avoiding spiking pressures.

On the other hand, the bottom-up approach comes with its own set of merits. This method is typically suitable for projects with running sands and other flowing geologies, where the ground is liable to collapse onto itself. With this method, we push down a sheathed tool, which prevents any silt from entering. Upon reaching the desired depth, we retract the sheathing and start injecting from there, moving upward through the interval.

However, this method carries the risk of compromising the seal with each ascending interval. Additionally, it leaves room for void space beneath, leading to uncertainties about the exact locations where injected materials end up.

In summary, both methods have pros and cons, but in most scenarios, the top-down approach may be the best practice.

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A photo of Michael Gerber

Technology Spotlight: Geotechnical Drilling

Urban landscapes are evolving at an unprecedented rate. With cities expanding and the demands on transportation and infrastructure surging, understanding what lies beneath our feet has never been more crucial. But, delving into the subsurface comes with its own set of challenges - enter our comprehensive suite of geotechnical services.

Unmasking the mysteries of the underground is now simpler than ever before. With our advanced equipment and state-of-the-art methodologies, we take the guesswork out of subsurface site investigations and data collection instrument placements.

Explore Your Drilling Alternatives:

  • Sonic: For speed and precision, providing continuous, undisturbed core samples and reduced investigation-derived waste (IDW) by 70% - 80%.
  • Auger: Ideal for cost-effective drilling through unconsolidated alluvial deposits such as sands, silts, and clays.
  • Rotary Core: Perfect for advancing through hard and soft lithologies and advancing to deeper depths.
  • Direct Push: Ideal for smaller sites as it requires less space for operation and drills smaller holes.
  • Diamond Core: When only the toughest, most resilient drilling method will do.

Remember, knowledge is power - the more insight you have about the subsurface, the better equipped you'll be to manage and mitigate environmental risks.

A geotech drill rig in the mountains

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