Cascade's Quarterly Newsletter

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This month's content explores ISS technology's cost-saving benefits, impressive speed, and targeted treatment capabilities. We'll also showcase a real-world example of ISS conquering mobile groundwater contamination. Our experts share insights on overcoming drilling challenges, and industry updates keep you informed on regulations and green remediation practices.

Technology Spotlight: Innovative Solutions for Cleaner Sites

Contaminated soil and groundwater pose significant environmental challenges. Traditional remediation methods, like excavation and pump-and-treat, can be costly, disruptive, and time-consuming. This is why In Situ Stabilization is an effective alternative to traditional remediation methods.

ISS is a group of innovative treatment technologies applied directly to contaminated soil and groundwater in place. This eliminates the need for extensive excavation and minimizes environmental disruption. ISS works by immobilizing, destroying, or transforming contaminants within the subsurface.

Benefits of In Situ Stabilization:

  • Reduced Costs: ISS can be significantly cheaper than traditional methods by eliminating excavation and reducing waste disposal costs.
  • Faster Cleanups: ISS can expedite remediation timelines compared to pump-and-treat systems.
  • Minimized Disruption: There's less surface disturbance with ISS, making it ideal for sensitive environments or near existing structures.
  • Targeted Treatment: ISS allows for targeted application to specific areas of contamination.

Common Applications of ISS:

  • Chlorinated Solvents: ISS technologies can effectively address persistent contaminants like trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE).
  • Heavy Metals: Certain ISS methods can immobilize and stabilize heavy metals in soil, preventing their migration.
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons: ISS can be used to treat various petroleum-based contaminants like gasoline and diesel fuel.

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In situ stabilization site

Ask the Expert

Is it possible to drill in tight spaces and overcome challenges traditional rigs can't?

Short Answer: Yes, you can.


Within the drilling industry, the concept of limited access encompasses a diverse range of spatial, ventilation, terrain, or operational limitations. It’s often referred to as restricted access but there is a difference between the two.


Restricted access refers to a site where the location literally restricts modes of access. This might mean it’s in the middle of a field or in a wooded area, with no paved road or driveway leading to it. Limited access refers to a location that limits the tools and resources that can be used, usually due to a small footprint—think of a narrow alleyway or an indoor location with height restrictions.


When encountered during drilling operations, these constraints necessitate the implementation of specialized adaptations to drill rigs. Limited access rigs are vital for tackling drilling challenges in confined spaces. Their compact size makes them ideal for crowded urban environments, while their low profile allows them to operate under restricted overhead clearances. Additionally, these rigs can be equipped with electric or alternative engines, ensuring safe operation in poorly ventilated spaces.


Even if a contractor has the equipment, it’s important that they have experience, too. Ask if their drillers have worked on limited and restricted access projects in the past and how they overcame challenges related to the space.

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Bill Poupis

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Mobile Groundwater Contamination Remediated with In Situ Stabilization (ISS)

Facing complex challenges during in-situ remediation projects? This case study showcases how to overcome unexpected situations like difficult soil conditions and extensive utility relocations at an active shipping facility.

Expertise in In Situ Stabilization (ISS) helped achieve successful remediation of mobile groundwater contamination on a former paint manufacturing site. Learn how Cascade's collaborative approach and problem-solving skills ensured project completion on schedule and within budget, exceeding client expectations.

In Situ Stabilization In Progress

Bioremediation Amendment with Automated Injection System Targets Chlorinated Solvents

Struggling to achieve significant chlorinated solvent mass reduction for redevelopment in sensitive residential areas? Traditional methods can be disruptive and time-consuming. This project highlight showcases Cascade's innovative approach using bioremediation amendment with our automated Pathfinder injection system.

This successful California project demonstrates the effectiveness of Pathfinder for aggressive timelines and precise contaminant targeting, minimizing risks like fracturing and short-circuiting.

Download the full project highlight to learn more about the project overview, Pathfinder's data logging capabilities, and the impressive results achieved. See how Cascade's technology can ensure optimal distribution and successful redevelopment on your next chlorinated solvent project.

an injection project

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