Everything You Should Know About Direct Push Technology

Direct push technology (DPT) is so ubiquitous in the environmental services industry, it’s easy to forget there’s actually a lot to know about this methodology and how to optimize its use. Whether you’re just starting out in your career, brushing up on the basics, or looking to learn a little more about DPT, we’ve rounded up five pieces of our best content for you to dig into.


Drilling 107: An Introduction to Direct Push Drilling (DPT)

DPT can be used for drilling, sampling, and remedy implementation—but just because it’s so versatile doesn’t mean it’s always the right tool for the job. This on-demand webinar walks through the basics to help you understand how the technology works, when it may be suited for your project, and the pros and cons of using it.


How to Know if DPT is Your Best Option

Don’t have time right for an hour-long webinar, but still need to figure out if DPT is a good fit? This blog post guides you to ask the right questions about your upcoming project, so you can determine if DPT is the best option for your requirements. It’s not as in-depth as the full-length presentation, but it can help you make the right call given your site goals, lithology, and access considerations.


Tired of DPT Refusal? How to Achieve Deep Site Characterization

DPT is the go-to advancement method for most high resolution site characterization (HRSC) methods—but common issues include an inability to reach depth or experiencing refusal due to subsurface conditions. Although other advancement technologies are available—and are sometimes the better choice—there are things you can do to increase the chances of success with DPT. In this webinar, you’ll learn more about what to try before giving up on DPT.


DPT Refusal Got You Down? Hybrid Drill Methods to Achieve Deeper HRSC Investigations

If you’ve been in the industry for awhile and are pretty familiar with using DPT, you may still have questions or a few areas you’d like to learn more about. This blog post is a Q&A and covers DPT questions related to its use with other technologies and in HRSC applications.


Design Considerations for DPT and Well Injection Manifolding to Optimize Performance and Lower Costs

Interested in more complex and optimized applications for DPT? In this on-demand webinar, one of our remediation experts explains how to get more out of this technology with manifolding. When used properly and consistently, the strategy he shares can allow you to spec out achievable performance in your RFPs and benchmark whether an injection contractor has optimized your remedy to the greatest extent practical.


No matter where you are in your environmental services career, there’s always more to learn and we’re happy to help.

If you have questions about using DPT on your next project—or if you’re ready to roll and are interested in a quote—let us know. We can get the right technology and experts on your site whenever you need us.


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