Hydraulic Pulse Interference Testing

What is hydraulic pulse interference testing (HPIT)?

The hydraulic pulse interference test was initially developed for characterizing petroleum reservoir permeability and hydraulic connection between production wells. We have modified the equipment and method and now use it to characterize shallow groundwater sites and for quality assurance for iron PRBs. HPIT can also be used for integrity verification of slurry walls and design of extraction well systems.


How does HPIT work?

The hydraulic conductivity of the PRB is quantified by the hydraulic pulse interference tests, with pulse source wells on one side of the wall and high precision receiver transducers installed in wells on the opposite side. Pulse interference testing involves a cyclic injection of clean water into the source well and high precision measurement of the pressure pulse in a neighboring well.

The time delay and attenuation of the hydraulic pulse enables various hydrogeologic parameters, such as hydraulic conductivity and storativity, to be evaluated. These parameters, measured both pre and post reactive barrier installation, confirm that the reactive barrier has no negative effect on local groundwater flow regimes. The pulse interference test is also ideal for the hydraulic characterization of complex flow systems, such as fractured bedrock, braided stream and esker deposits. Because the transient hydraulic flow characteristics can be determined, the hydraulic flow regimes can be clearly delineated with a high degree of precision.


What are common reasons for choosing HPIT?

HPIT is often utilized when there’s a need to confirm PRBs and extraction systems have been designed and implemented effectively, and that shallow groundwater sites are characterized well.

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