- Eliot Cooper
Traditional approaches such as In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO), In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR), and In Situ Bioremediation (ISB) rarely meet MCLs for solvents and petroleum, but Cascade’s ColloidalChem solutions achieve remediation targets at a lower cost. Compared to traditional treatment technologies for PFAS, ColloidalChem is the only injectable in situ solution available, thus avoiding the lengthy treatment times, high capital expenditures, tedious long-term operation and maintenance (O&M), and intensive energy requirements of pump-and-treat approaches.
In this blog, you’ll learn more about our ColloidalChem suite of chemistries, the contaminants of concern (COCs) they target, and our groundwater remediation turnkey solutions that are more cost-effective and efficient than traditional approaches.
Cascade’s full suite of injectable ColloidalChem groundwater remediation turnkey solutions was developed based on 20+ years of experience and a desire to improve in situ remediation performance utilizing more persistent chemistries. ColloidalChem solutions remediate a wide range of difficult-to-treat contaminants such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), benzene/toluene/ethylbenzene/xylenes (BTEX), petroleum, and metals.
Cascade’s ColloidalChem formulations are based on a specialized form of activated carbon engineered to have a particle size of 1-2 microns and a high surface area, providing excellent contact for adsorbing contaminants. These ultra-fine particles are suspended in a liquid medium, enabling low pressure, controlled injection of ColloidalChem to optimize contact with COCs and enable adsorption (Figure 1)
ColloidalChem is injected into target intervals which have been determined to contain the majority of the contaminant mass and flux (plus groundwater velocity), typically in transmissive zones with higher permeabilities.
We perform in situ high-resolution site characterizationto identify contaminant flux with our Waterloo Aquifer Profiling System (APS)™technology. This method is a complete direct push subsurface data collection platform, combining high-quality discrete sampling with real-time hydrostratigraphic logging. Over the past 25 years, WaterlooAPS has been utilized in a wide range of environments and can achieve depths of 600 ft below ground surface with hybrid drilling methods.
To deploy ColloidalChem we utilize our precision automated injection technology, Pathfinder™, with flow control that adjusts automatically to meet pressure and flow setpoints and avoid exceeding the fracture pressure or the site’s hydraulic capacity. Pathfinder has a manifold system capable of injecting in up to ten simultaneous locations through direct push or injection wells (Figure 2).
Once injected, ColloidalChem is a highly persistent chemistry that can be relied upon for performance over many years, including addressing COCs that have been adsorbed into soil or bedrock.
Cascade’s suite of ColloidalChem chemistries offers many benefits, including:
In summary, ColloidalChem chemistries enable faster contaminant mass reduction and attainment of MCLs on a wide range of COCs, compared to traditional chemistries that primarily offer mass reduction to support monitored natural attenuation (MNA). Relative to pump-and-treat applications for PFAS, our in situ PFAS sequestration is a more cost-effective and sustainable approach with reduced energy requirements.
Our wrap-around enabling technologies include high resolution site design optimization (HRDO) to define contaminant mass flux using WaterlooAPS, and Pathfinder precision automated injection for optimal COC contact. We also support our highly transparent designs with bench scale and column testing as needed.
We are continuously improving our ColloidalChem formulations, and testing combined spatial and temporal remedies with oxidants, reductants, and bio amendments, along with our own in situ TerraTherm™ thermal technologies.
Our ColloidalChem suite has gained the acceptance of regulatory agencies, consultants, and responsible parties across the U.S. We are always seeking to forge new strategic relationships with consultants interested in specialization with in situ remedies.
Are you ready to enhance your groundwater remediation strategy with Cascade’s advanced ColloidalChem solutions? Reach out today and talk to an expert to discuss your site-specific needs, explore our innovative technologies, and discover how we can help you meet your remediation goals more sustainably and cost-effectively.